Friday, March 19, 2010

i don't want to be ordinary

these past few days since i have been home from my mission have been ones of reflection. the day after i got home my mom took me out to eat at cafe rio. and i saw all the ordinary utah people, sitting there eating, and their ordinary utah lives, and their ordinary utah thoughts. and i thought, "i don't want to be ordinary!"

i want to be exciting. i want to have adventures. i want to change the world!

and then the next day i went to lehi to visit my sister-in-law and meet my new nephew, maxton. he is 3 months old. and adorable.

and i looked at laura, his mom, and i thought about her life. working full-time from home so she has time to take care of maxton, her days are filled with diaper changes, bottle feedings, and holding a crying baby, all the while taking calls from her boss and filling out spreadsheets on the computer.

and i realized that to her son, she is very not ordinary. she is the most extraordinary and important person in his life right now. and that is the way that God meant it to be. it was a very sacred moment for me.

but i still don't want to be ordinary...

1 comment:

  1. Being ordinary is not so bad. To quote Abraham Lincoln, "God must have loved the ordinary events (and I would add people) because He made so many of them.

    Hope you are haveing a great time. Love ya

