Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Broken Toe?

This is quite possibly the lamest story you will ever read about a "broken" toe, but hey, lame is what I live for!

Anyway, this past week I was out in Ohio visiting a graduate school. Details about the rest of the trip to follow. I just happened to be staying in an extremely nice hotel, and I also happened to have a serious sinus infection that kept me up for much of the night (this was much to my chagrin, as I had to get up at 4:30 am Utah time--I was 2 hours ahead). On one of these excursions to the bathroom to clear my nasal passages so I could breathe (the bathroom was just in my room, but it was a really big room. Nice hotel = big room), I kicked my shoe that I had so carefully placed right next to my bed so as not to kick it in the morning.

Nice try, but it didn't work.

As soon as I kicked it my toe started screaming in agony. Somehow, only my ring-finger toe (what are those toes called, anyway?) had taken the full brunt of the shoe attack, and I could barely walk. If my sinus infection wasn't enough, the pain in my toe made it so I could hardly sleep at all.

The next day I tried not to limp, because I was trying to impress the people at the graduate school, and I thought it would be a little awkward if they asked why I was limping and I said, "I kicked my shoe last night." Yeah. It would make me sound weak. And so I bit my lip and suffered with the pain.

At lunch time, however, I knew that something would have to change. I got a band-aid so I could tape my toe to the one next to it, so it wouldn't move, and took off my shoe. This is what I saw:

Yep. You can bet I gasped in surprise. The natural crookedness of my toe only added to the drama. Thankfully, my limping was validated. I really thought it was broken.

However, after several days of walking on it, the bruising went down and now, a week and a half later, it is only a little sore.

So I don't think it was broken. Maybe I broke open a few blood vessels, but hey, I've done that several times in my life!

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