Saturday, September 17, 2011

Three Year Anniversary

Three years ago today I entered the MTC. I was so excited and so naive about what lay ahead. I had no idea that a mission could be so exhausting and so stressful and so overwhelming and so wonderful and so heart-wrenching and so tearful and so prayerful and so sacred. I thought I knew. But nothing could have prepared me for the sleepless nights (wait, who am I kidding. Most nights I was asleep before I even got into bed), the desperate prayers, the hundreds of miles of bike riding, the riding in pouring rain and wind and tsunamis, a few motorcycle/bike accidents, mastering Chinese, the utter exhaustion from which I thought I would never recover, but most of all for the all-consuming love that I would feel for the people I would teach and serve.

It was a crazy 18 months. And if you want to read about it, feel free to read my mission letters blog (with pictures occasionally interspersed).

And happy three-year anniversary, me.


  1. I love this! You described a mission perfectly. Wonderfully hard. :) I hope you are doing well in Jerusalem. You have the coolest life.

  2. 3 years--crazy!!! Love that picture of you. And, I LOVE the outfit you got Kayla. Adorable!

  3. Hey Breanne! I saw the link to your blog in my Facebook news feed so I thought I would check it out! The time goes by so fast doesn't it? I don't even like to think about how long ago it was that I entered the MTC, especially since the tally is nearing a decade! Glad to hear that you are doing well and having so many adventures!

  4. Sarah, I haven't seen you in ages! I'm glad you saw my blog on facebook and checked it out. Although I looked at your blog and you don't have any recent aren't still in Italy are you?
