Friday, July 23, 2010

Family Pictures

I have decided that it has been far too long since I posted some pictures. And what good is a blog without pictures, right?

I like to think that I take good (read: awesome) pictures. I don't have a professional camera, I am not a professional photographer, but I still am pretty proud of my pictures. And I am most proud of pictures of this family because their son is rarely smiling in pictures. And look at these! What can I say, my photography skills are killer.

So, if you won't judge me by the fact that I don't have a professional camera, here are some of the May Family Pictures:

(some of these were more on the funny and less on the artsy...)


  1. Hahahaha, I love the one where just the keys are colored...classic!

  2. And Ryan and I are having an argument...
