Friday, August 13, 2010

Brunei Darussalam

I am sure by now that my more faithful blog readers have noticed I have several blogs. This is in part because I very much like categorization, and I think certain topics deserve a blog all of their own. Like lame stories from my life, or stints in other countries.

Anyway, I have a blog entitled "My Arabic Mission." And with a name like that, and the subject matter (my semester living in Jordan), I expected to get a lot of Arab country hits on that blog. (You can see the list of places around the world that have accessed my blog here. I think it's quite impressive.)

And so yesterday I checked my "world map" to see what interesting countries had been added. And I saw "Brunei Darussalam."

I have never heard of that country. And I felt quite embarrassed. Here I am, about to graduate from college, having studied and lived in the Middle East for extensive periods of time, and I haven't even heard of Brunei Darussalam?

In case you haven't either, here are a few figures:
Population: 395, 027
Square Miles: 2,228
Capital (and largest city): Bandar Seri Begawan, with 78,000 residents

I hear that it is one of the smallest countries in the world. Which makes me think to myself, which countries are smaller? Any guesses?

And just think. Somewhere in this tiny country, someone could be reading my blog.

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