Thursday, March 27, 2008

"i am indeed the shepherd who brings peace"

as i was studying the law code of hammurabi for one of my classes, i found this beautiful pronouncement of how hammurabi wanted to portray himself in the epilogue of the code:

"i am hammurabi, noble king. i have not been careless or negligent toward humankind, granted to my care by the god enlil, and with whose shepherding the god marduk charged me. i have sought for them peaceful places, i removed serious difficulties, i spread light over them...i made the people of all settlements lie in safe pastures, i did not tolerate anyone intimidating them. the great gods having chosen me, i am indeed the shepherd who brings peace, whose scepter is just. my benevolent shade is spread over my city, i held the people of the lands of sumer and akkad safely on my lap. they prospered under my protective spirit, i maintained them in peace, with my skillful wisdom i sheltered them."

now, i am not one to say whether or not hammurabi was as noble a king as he portrays himself or not. all i know is that this imagery of kings shepherding their people was important to society--as many of them were shepherds or agriculturists themselves.

it brings new meaning and understanding to me as i think about the Savior as being the Good Shepherd--and how it was important to society at that time, how He used an image that they were very familiar with--kings being shepherds of their people. it brings new meaning and understanding as i study isaiah and i think about cyrus, as a type of the Savior, being portrayed as being a shepherd of the israelites.

although there are times of drugery (reading through 20 pages of law codes!), can i just say i love my major?

1 comment:

  1. "I did not tolerate anyone intimidating them"...beautifully said.
