Tuesday, March 18, 2008

why my social excitement revolves around my office

i have always joked about how my social excitement revolves around my office...even though i usually work in there alone. but i always leave the door open, and when people walk by they look in, and if they know me they stop to chat for a minute. usually people who don't know me don't stop.

until yesterday.

i was calmly clocking out at 9:54, getting ready to go to my 10:00 class, when all of a sudden a 50-something man jumped into my office and said, in about 300 miles an hour talking speed, "can i ask you a question?" i said yes, and he quickly asked if i knew an undergrad who is studying arabic and who applied for the casa program. it just so happened that i did (we had a class together last semester), and when i told him, he said, "great!canijustinterviewyouquicklyabouthimiamfromthegovernment(and here he flashed his card for me)andhehasappliedforoneofourprogramsandiamjustrunningaquickbackgroundcheck

he said it that fast.

unfortunately, i told him that i was about to go to class and did not have even four minutes to be interviewed.


he then proceeded to follow me to my american literature class, quizzing me about this student all the way.

"doeshehaveanypsychologicalproblemsthatyouknowof?(it was one class!)howdoesheperforminarabic?whatishispersonalitylike?"

it was quite possibly the strangest thing that has ever occurred to me.

then, as we were parting ways when i got to my class, he asked what class i was going to. when i responded that it was an american literature class and that i am an english major, he looked at me accusingly and said, "whatwereyouuptherefor?" (in the arabic/hebrew department)

after telling him i know hebrew (and arabic, but he already knew that) he said as he was departing, "thatwastheshortestinterviewihavehadyet!"

i didn't feel too bad about it.

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