Friday, May 14, 2010

I know where all the English majors have gone...

As much as I take pride in being an English major, sometimes I leave major errors in papers I hand in because of lack of time spent (or available) proofreading. Like last week. I turned in a paper that I had spent several hours on in to my professor. I had spent several hours writing it, but obviously zero hours proofreading it, because the FIRST LINE says "Aristotle puts asks the question"...I decided to change the wording last minute and didn't delete the old, obviously.

And so the professor circled it and wrote in huge letters, PROOF CAREFULLY.

Thank you. I know.

It was really embarrassing.

And so the other day in class, he had us pull out our syllabus so we could discuss a paper. And he had numbered things 1-6, and then instead of 7 there was another 6! Which was probably awkward for him, too, because he had to say, "It's under the second number 6..." clearly indicating that he, too, did not proofread carefully.

I felt vindicated. I wanted to say, "Ha! I'm not the only one who doesn't proofread!" But I didn't.

So I know where all the English majors have gone. They're still here, they just don't have time to proofread.


  1. And I should mention that as soon as I published this post an ad popped up for "free and quick online proofreading"...

  2. Yep, I love that online proofreading stuff. Just like the online translators. My sentences come out looking like blogger word verifications. - zestyh?
