Monday, May 24, 2010

Seat Thief

You know the security that comes from always sitting in the same seat? When you walk into a biology class or an English class--or even church, for that matter--you don't have to pick again and again where you want to sit. Pick once, and the laws of applied physics will almost guarantee you don't have to pick again. Because everyone else wants to sit in the same seat, too.

Today, that security was stolen from me.

I walked into class and was shocked to see someone sitting in my seat. And he didn't even look sorry about it. Not that there aren't 15 empty seats in the class that he could have chosen without taking my seat. Not that I don't have two classes in that classroom this semester and I carefully categorize my class material by where I sit in the class (a different seat for each class). Not that he didn't know I sit there every day (although this one is debateable, I guess. Maybe some people don't pay attention to things like this).

Needless to say, the karma of my whole day was thrown off.