Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Taco Bell, round two

Remember snake girl from Taco Bell?

Well, today I went to Taco Bell at the Cougareat to grab some lunch. There were 10 students in line and twice that waiting for their food. Taco Bell goes through hundreds of customers everyday, and I just happen to be one of the million on an almost daily basis.

Anyway, at Taco Bell they usually ask for your name (although sometimes they ask for your favorite movie) and so today I was ready to give them my card and my name after ordering the chicken burrito, to go. But snake girl was my cashier and instead of asking what my name was, she said, "It's Breanne, right?"

I laughed and said, "I come here way too much." But actually, I think it was the snake incident that made me memorable...

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